Eggceptionally crafty
I had originally planned to make a more traditional Easter bunny for JJ using a real, blown-out egg. I’ve done these in the past, and while not as fancy as Martha’s, still turned out pretty nice. Yet...
View ArticleMay the Fourth Be With You
Even the Lord of the Sith wants clean teeth (say that 5 times fast) Okay, I was just gonna post this photo and be done with it, but then I started poking around to see if I could post a link of where...
View ArticleSchoolhouse Rock
I’ve had this post in my “draft” queue forever… JJ’s had a renewed interest in spelling which reminded me of this early (and hilarious) attempt to understand how it all works. Schoolhouse Rock from...
View ArticleJingle Bells, Batman Smells
In an attempt to discourage JJ from yanking ornaments off our tree, I gave him a Christmas tree of his very own. I pulled out my collection of superhero ornaments and together we put them on this nifty...
View ArticleThe 12 Days of Christmas Past: Day 1
Last December I undertook the gargantuan (some would say unwise) task of doing 1 post a day — complete with an original doodle/graphic — as an online Advent calendar of sorts. While it was fun and...
View ArticleSilly Hat Day: A Story in Pictures
On a cold, rainy day not too long ago, I had a brain fart of forethought, gathered all the hats from all over the house, and declared it henceforth be known as (cue trumpets)… Silly Hat Day! In all...
View ArticleThat Can Do Spirit
Being a parent of a toddler is hard work — no one who’s ever seen, heard or smelled a toddler would argue with that. But it doesn’t have to be as difficult as we modern parents tend to make it. Respite...
View ArticleDJ Cheetos in Da House
It’s been a while since I’ve gotten full-on, down-and-dirty, non-work-related crafty. But when I heard about this contest being held by Life of Dad, wherein you had to create art from Cheetos, my...
View ArticleCreative Father’s Day Gifts for the Creative (and not-so-creative) Dad
Still at a loss about what to get Dear Old Dad for Father’s Day? Yes it’s the thought that counts, but Dad can recognize a cliched gift when he sees one — especially if he’s the creative or handy type....
View ArticleFather’s Day Proud Papa Gallery of Greatness
Some of the best things about being a child are the boundless energy, unbridled imagination and a future filled with endless possibilities. The best thing about a child’s art is that it contains...
View ArticleDIY Clown Costume (OMG I Love Preschool!)
It was JJ’s second week of preschool, and while reviewing the calendar for the next week I noticed something that made my heart skip a beat. “TUESDAY: DRESS UP AS A CLOWN DAY.” I had known it was going...
View ArticlePaintin’ Punkins
Maybe you’re tired of seeing all the cool and creative ways to decorate for Halloween. I know I am — but only because I won’t have the time or energy to do any of them. Don’t get me wrong — I love...
View ArticleHoliday Decorating Ideas: Christmas Terrarium
Last year about this time I was suffering from my usual Holidays Over-commitment Burnout Lethargy (or HOBL), but was determined to muster some of that elusive Xmas Spirit and do at least one creative...
View ArticleDesigner Daddy’s Greatest Hits of 2013
2013 was a pretty monumental year, both personally and blogally(?). So for all of the awesome, new readers I’ve met recently — as well as longtime loyalists — here’s a recap of my favorite posts from...
View ArticleThe Macaroni Incident
As I’m thick in the throes of wedding planning, I thought it would be a fun to share some witty words from a fellow dad and superhero lover. Yet Charles Baserap is more than your average fanboy. He...
View ArticleMother’s Day Crafts: Eggceptionally Easy Tulip Garden
If you’re looking for some quick and easy Mother’s Day crafts to do with your kids this week, here’s one that fits the bill on all counts. Plus it recycles all those plastic eggs you’ll probably end up...
View ArticleProud Papa Gallery of Greatness 2014
Father’s Day has come and gone, and yet those of us who are dads are still dads, and still have dad stuff to do. One of the most important is instilling self-confidence and a sense of achievement in...
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